Croxton Kerrial Village Hall
A superb fully modernised village hall with a state of the art kitchen, available for hire by community groups and also for private parties. It consists of two function rooms, with unisex toilets including accessible cubicle and baby changing facility. Free WiFi is available to all hirers.
Fully wheelchair accessible (via the school playgrounds off School Lane) and includes wheelchair preparation area in the kitchen area.
Address (for location only)
5 Main Street, Croxton Kerrial, NG32 1QF
Booking Sec Cathy Tate
Note: during school term time the entire hall is in use up to 4:30 pm
Village Hall Picture Gallery (PDF, 1022 Kb)
A selection of photographs taken of the village hall.
VH Clubs (Word Document, 14 Kb)
A selection of clubs that use the village hall.
Village Hall Events (PDF, 528 Kb)
Events held at the village hall.
Village Hall Facilities (PDF, 276 Kb)
Village hall facilities.
Village Hall Hire Conditions & Hire Rates (PDF, 298 Kb)
Village hall hire conditions and hire rates.
Village Hall Who We Are (PDF, 285 Kb)
Village hall who we are.
Village Hall Emergency Centre (PDF, 584 Kb)
Village hall emergency centre.
Croxton Kerrial Village Hall News Autumn 2021 (PDF, 696 Kb)
CK Village News